Projects Completed

Projects Completed

The Administrator Company of International Airports (EAAI), executed with efficiency and effectiveness the plans and projects of development for the modernization and extension of the August Airport the International C. Sandino and of the aerial terminals of the Atlantic Coast. These efforts will allow us to position to the Airport like one of most modern of the Central American region, that will contribute to elevate the classification from Nicaragua to category One.

 Executed in 2011

No.  Project Description  Progress 
 1 Runway resurfacing Stage Folder bearing replacement  100
 2 Customs expansion Remodeling and expansion of 570 m2 Airport Customs  100


 No. Project  Descrption Progress 
1  Enable Track Total habilitation Runway  100
2  Remodeling and enabling control tower Remodeling of the building and control tower construction Fanal  100
3 Installation VOR Acquisition and installation of equipment helps Navigation  100
4 Communication and Energy Facility  Acquisition and installation of Consoles Air Traffic Control  100



 No. Project   Description  Progress
1 Airfield Improvement Track construction, taxiway and platform with Hydraulic Concrete  100
2  Track lights  Acquisition and installation of runway lights Category 1  100



 No. Project Description Progress 
 1  La Paloma Aerodrome Construction Construction of 1,500 Ml runway and platform using asphalt concrete , designed to track aircraft with maximum takeoff weight of 54,000 lbras . It will be equipped with photovoltaic lighting system. This project will begin in July 2011, currently already they made all the studies and designs required including environmental impact studies .


Visita Nicaragua única ... original!

Tierra de lagos y volcanes