The air terminal of Isla de Ometepe is located in the dove 2 km south of the city of Moyogalpa in the department of Rivas, southern Nicaragua and this border with the Republic of Costa Rica, being approximately 20 – 25 minutes.
By air of the city of Managua capital of Nicaragua. The Island of Ometepe is located in the center of Lake Cocibolca known as the Great Lake of Nicaragua that has an extension of 8624 km2.
The Island of Ometepe has an extension of 276 km2 and in it are located two volcanoes the Conception with a height of 1,610 mts active and fire, and the wood 1,394 mts in its center is a lagoon, counts on two municipalities Moyogalpa and Altagracia, with 30 communities and a population of 41,000 inhabitants with a temperature of 27 ° c. With two seasons winter rain (June – November) and dry summer (December to May).
The track is constructed with asphaltic concrete with a length of 1,500 meters and a width of 30 meters and with orientation 09/27, with system of lights of voltaic track, taxiway and platform also has wind cones in both headers, and A platform for parking of three medium-sized aircraft with an area of 200 mts2, the runway is category 3-C and a maximum resistance weight of 54,000 lbs, pressure.
The airport has the facilities of a terminal of 400 mts2 a control tower to 50 mts to the east of the platform of aircraft, the track is located contiguous to the lake in its head 9 – west to 30 mts. And in the same passes through its center a road that connects the city of Moyogalpa with Altagracia.
Aerodrome Specifications:
Track width 30 meters.
Length of Track 1500 meters.
Photo cabecera09
Photo cabecera07
Navigational instruments required by this aerodrome for its proper functioning:
A. Weather screen. To determine the direction and intensity of the wind, Temperature and dew point.
B. Altimeter. To determine the barometric pressure.
C. A Monitor-radar screen. To observe the flights
Data of interest:
Air transport:
Currently the Ometepe air terminal located in La Paloma -Moyogalpa community, was inaugurated on May 29, 2014 by the airline La Costeña (telephone 22985360) which makes two weekly flights on Thursdays and Sundays with schedule of 12M by taking a route from Managua-Ometepe-San Carlos-San Juan de Nicaragua and vice versa, as well as charter flights (Aerotaxi) on Cessna-Caravan 208 aircraft with 12 passengers and ATR 42 with 45 passengers, Private planes and helicopters. To guarantee the safety of the passengers, visitors and companions in our terminal is with a military unit and a police station equipped with canine technique to prevent illicit activities that guarantee the comfort and tranquility of the passengers.
Transport Lake:
On the Island of Ometepe there is the lake transport that joins it with the department of Rivas by the waterway of the port Moyogalpa San Jorge with an hour of duration and a distance of 17 km being the main boats El Che Guevara, Ferry Ometepe 1 and 2 And the boats or boats: Ms. Del Lago, Santa Martha and Karen Maria and another boat that connects Ometepe with Rivas by the route San José del Sur to San Jorge is the ferry King of Cocibolca that transports up to 20 small vehicles and 1000 Passengers, as well as the Altagracia-San Carlos waterway.
Tourists that use this lake transportation also use the air service to reach Ometepe via Managua or Ometepe San Carlos – San Juan de Nicaragua and even to travel to the Caribbean coast to the terminals of Corsn Island, Bluefields as tourist destination.
Water transport company:
Che Guevara Ferry 25634779
Ferrry Ometepe 1 and 2 25694228 – 89664983
El Rey del Cocibolca Ferry 86913669
We will visit Altagracia, its museum, pre-Columbian statues and its church, then we will go to the beach where you will have time to have lunch, relax and bathe in these refreshing waters of Santo Domingo, Place of charm located amidst two immense volcanoes. Following with the route our next place to visit is the Ojo de Agua natural spring of frozen waters located in the center of the Island, of return we visit the green puddle. This beautiful place is home to our mythological character known as long boy, we will learn a mysterious legend, we will also make a short walk along the trails of the area that will allow us to enjoy the flora and fauna of this reserve and its beautiful butterfly, Ometepe each place has its own charm, we will visit the Punta de Jesus Maria, this is a proper place to swim and observe the sunset, once fall the afternoon we return to Moyogalpa to conclude this grand tour for the largest island of the World on a freshwater lake.
Another interesting information is that in the port of Moyogalpa there is a tourist information office where there are prepared personnel who speak English and other languages that serve as tourist guide for people who have interest or want to climb any of the two volcanoes Concepción or Wood.
In the Island of Ometepe also exist different banking institutions: The FISE, Banpro, Bac, Procredit, Financieras: FDL, Coop. Crédito Caruna, and ATMs located in the city of Moyogalpa.
Ground transportation
There is public transport with rates and schedules accessible with route in the two municipalities, as well as private taxi and taxi transportation, motorcycle rentals, which is negotiated directly between the user and the owner, which is the means that takes tourists to their destination and To the airport of Ometepe to continue its route.