Unit Medical Care
The Airport Medical Unit (UMA), is located in international the aerial terminal, generally has like primary target the immediate attention of medical emergencias that appear in the passengers leaving or arriving and public. The attention schedule is of 6:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. In the 365 days of the year we made sure that the passengers who use our Airport can be attended in any emergencia by specialized and described medical personnel.
Our medical staff has extensive experience in medical emergencies and includes:
A specialist in Aeronautics Medicine.
A doctor General Medicine for emergency cases.
A doctor in General Medicine for emergency cases.
A specialist in Orthopedics and Trauma.
A specialist in Family Medicine.
We have our own ambulance service provided by the Red Cross and Fire Rescue Deparment staffed by the paramedics who have been trained in search and rescue.
The Airport Medical Unit has the necessary medical equipment and drugs to respond to any aeronautical or medical emergency, from cardiovascular to trauma, and has coordinated with private and public hospitals to transfer any patients requiring further assistance.
Likewise, the Airport Medical Unit has provided first-aid training to company employees so that they may respond to any serious emergency.
We can be reached at: (505) 233-1624/28 Ext. 111