Departure tax

Straight of terminal for salient passengers


US $ 32.00 (Ticket)
US $ 3.00 (Aviation Security)
US $ 35.00 (Right of Terminal)
US $ 3.00 (Tourism)
US $ 38.00 (TOTAL)


International flights

The August Airport the International C. Sandino as of the month of January of 2006 acquires a Right of the Terminal International of US$ 35,00 dollars to the passengers who leave Nicaragua, which is including in the aerial ticket of each airline.

This amount is destined of the following way:

  • Airport services, infrastructure and administration of the Airport (EAAI): US$ 26.27 dollars.
  • Nicaraguan institute of Turismo (INTUR): US$ 3.00 dollars.
  • IVA: US$ 4.18 dollars.
  • Migration: US$ 1.55 dollars.

The following cases will be exentos of the terminal right:

  • Passengers in transit.
  • The diplomats credited before the government of Nicaragua and the ones that visit the country in official mission, whenever in its country the reciprocity principle is applied.
  • The international civil servants who according to international treaties, enjoy treatment similar to the diplomats.
  • The smaller children of two years.
  • The crew reported in the general declaration of flights.
  • Personnel of aeronautics, whenever work mission of or official travel in.
  • The authorized one by the Presidency of the Directive Meeting of the company, in special cases.
  • Five (5) personeros of air lines with previous authorization of the General Management.

Domestic flights

The August Airport the International C. Sandino, acquires a right of US$ terminal 1,50 dollars or their equivalent in córdobas, which are destined to the administration and infrastructure of the airport.

The following cases will be exentos of the terminal right:

  • The diplomats credited before the government of Nicaragua and the ones that visit the country in official mission, whenever in its country the reciprocity principle is applied.
  • The smaller children of two years.

Visita Nicaragua única ... original!

Tierra de lagos y volcanes